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Published on Feb 3, 2019 by Luke Hunt

Stories and Podcasts from Bomborra.PODCAST: Remembering Heng Samrin and Cambodia’s Rebirth. Luke Hunt speaks with veteran journalist Peter Starr about the career of one of the twentieth century’s greatest guerrilla commanders.In another leap backwards, China jails its lawyersNo word from Vietnam over detention of pro-democracy activistsJokowi’s Failed Bashir Gamble Reveals the Danger of Playing the Religion Card in Indonesia ASEAN: economic community can step up. The 10-members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) are facing a difficult year. Slower growth, higher interest rates and a trade war between China and the United States are expected to undermine stability in the financial markets.Recent WeeksPODCAST: Inside Thailand’s Miracle Cave Rescue. A conversation with one of the key witnesses to an....

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